January 11, 2017
It’s January, the time of New Year’s resolutions, joining the gym, eating more healthily, giving up alcohol or perhaps embarking on a 12 week program such as metabolic balance or Arbonne’s 30 days to healthy living and beyond.
December 22, 2015
Eating gluten free at Christmas is not as complicated as you think! So are you hosting Christmas this year and one of your guests is gluten free? Are you ready to give them a great Christmas so they don’t feel left out or different? Do you feel like you haven’t a clue where to start? […]
December 18, 2015
Many of us will be thinking of damage limitation during the Christmas period. I am sure we are all looking forward to Christmas and all the celebrations. However, I know that some of you will be quietly dreading it.
November 5, 2014
Can fruit really make you fat? “Surely everyone should be eating lots of fruit to make up their 5 a day? ” My diet programme says that fruit is unlimited so why are you telling me it can make me fat? ‘ These are some of the reactions I get when I ask people to […]
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