I’m often asked to recommend books that will help people to lose weight in a healthy way and so for my new website I’ve put together a list of books that I know you can trust. These include the extremely successful bestseller Fast Diet by Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer, which has been responsible for introducing thousands of converts to fasting since it was published early in 2013, but there are also some lesser-known but equally useful books, such as the Kindle-only metabolic balanceĀ® guide, Nutrition basics: Introduction to the Success Program.
I’ve also included some specialist healthy eating books for coeliacs, menopausal women and for children plus a range of books written by Patrick Holford, explaining the secrets of his revolutionary GL diet.
If you have any suggestions for other great books you think I have missed, I’d love to hear them. And if you’ve read any of the books and found them useful, leave a comment on the relevant page – I’d love to hear from you.
Specific results are not guaranteed. Results of each nutrition programme may vary.